7 Jun 2007


The Adopt-A-Billfish tagging program is a research program using innovative technology of pop-up satellite archival tags (PSAT) to monitor billfish movement patterns.

The program is being coordinated by a team of experienced scientists who work with the National Marine Fisheries Service's Southeast and Southwest Fisheries Science Centers (Miami, FL., La Jolla, CA), University of Miami's Center for Sustainable Fisheries, The Billfish Foundation, the Bermuda Department of Environmental Protection, and the International Game Fish Association.

Tagging operations are currently underway throughout the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, including the waters off South Florida, the Bahamas and Bermuda. In the Pacific, we are relying on a network of collaborators, especially those affiliated with the Presidential Challenge tournament series off the coast of Central America.

For more information including how you can become involved in the program, visit:
