29 Mar 2011
24 Mar 2011
Skipper Takes A Break
Its a hard life being a charterboat skipper....Day after day out there fishing aboard Bite Me....
Where does a hard working skipper take a break ?
How about the Sonora Desert ? Baja, Mexico...... A nice little Hacienda on the Baja East Cape called Rancho Leonero...

Course the trouble with the Sonora Desert is its surrounded by the Sea of Cortez and the Pacific Ocean....one of the finest gamefishing destinations on the planet.....There are humpback whales and whale sharks just cruising by out front....bait balls getting smashed by Jack Crevelle and yellowtail kingfish......yellowfin...striped marlin moving in...Roosterfish all along the beach....
Sigh.....Guess I am just going to have to bite the bullet and go fishing....
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Tags: Bite Me, Rancho Leonero, Roosterfish, striped marlin
22 Mar 2011
Pesca sportiva alle isole Fiji: I pesci piu' combattivi
Una delle attivita' piu' famose che si possono fare alle Fiji e' la pesca sportiva. In questo articolo vorrei introdurre questo argomento che approfondiro' sicuramente in futuro dato che c'e' molto da dire in proposito.
Grazie specialmente ai consigli del team di pesca sportiva di Matava Resort (i quali ringrazio anche per i video che sono riuscito ad includere in questo articolo) oggi parlero' di alcune delle piu' avvincenti e combattive specie di pesci che si posso pescare nei mari delle Fiji, che metodi sono piu' comunemente usati per queste specie e quando si possono trovare questi pesci nei mari delle Fiji (specialmente intorno all'isola di Kadavu).
Prima di iniziare vorrei far notare che, non sapendo molto di pesca, alcuni termini (specialmente i nomi delle tecniche di pesca) sono stati lasciati in inglese.
Pesca sportiva alle isole Fiji: I pesci piu' combattiviPosted stuartinfiji 0 comments
14 Mar 2011
IGFA and WFN Team up for a new show to visit Fiji
WFN and the IGFA Join Forces to Take Anglers to the World's Greatest Fishing Destinations
IGFA Saltwater Adventures on WFN Begins 13 Episode Run in April 2011
DENVER, CO. – DEC.6, 2010 – A pair of fishing industry leaders, WFN: World Fishing Network, North America’s only 24-hour television network and the International Game Fish Association (IGFA), the leading authority on angling pursuits and the keeper of the most current world record fishing catches, are teaming up to present IGFA Saltwater Adventures – a 30-minute weekly fishing travel show airing on WFN beginning in April 2011.
Hosted by popular television fishing personality Bill Boyce, IGFA Saltwater Adventures will be presented in stunning high-definition. The show will take viewers to some of the world’s premiere saltwater fishing locations including; the Bahamas, California, Costa Rica, Fiji, the Florida Keys, Mexico, New York, Panama, Seychelles, St. Thomas & St. Lucia. Viewers will live vicariously through Boyce as he stays at the best resorts, visit the local hot spots, and goes on the water for a memorable fishing adventure.
WFN marketing partners for this new series include; Fox International Rods & Reels, WFL Lures, Western Filament Fishing Line, Aftco Clothing and Accessories, Reactor Watches, King Sailfish Mounts, and Plano – makers of travel gear and tackle boxes.
“Each week, viewers will be go on a spectacular saltwater fishing vacation at some of the world’s best resorts in just 30-minutes and in stunning high-definition from the comfort of their couches,” said Corey Russell, VP of Programming and Production at WFN. “The combination of WFN, the IGFA, our spectacular resort partners and our host Bill Boyce, will make IGFA Saltwater Adventures a memorable trip every week.”
Boyce has been active in the angling, conservation, and journalistic aspect of sport fishing his entire life. After 16 years as a fisheries biologist, his career took a turn when interest in his underwater photographs exploded. Now a photojournalist in the sport fishing industry, his underwater video talents have been used in Michael Fowlkes Productions Inside Sportfishing and with many filming expeditions with Guy Harvey, and the B.B.C. Bill hosted the World Class Sport Fishing series, and then created his own production company, directing, producing, and hosting the TELLY Award winning TV series, IGFA Angler’s Digest. Boyce has been a long standing representative of the IGFA since 1996, and a board member of the NCMC since 2007.
“All of us here at IGFA are very excited about this unique fishing show”, said Mike Myatt, Chief Operating Officer at the IGFA. “WFN has created a platform that will highlight great fishing, the world’s premier destinations and excellent corporate partners coupled with Bill’s infectious passion and knowledge of the sport; we anticipate many years of success with this series.”
The International Game Fish Association (IGFA) is the leading authority on angling pursuits worldwide. The organization operates the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame in Dania Beach, FL. and is committed to the conservation of game fish and the promotion of responsible and ethical angling practices through science, education, rule making and record keeping.
About WFN: World Fishing Network
Originally launched in December 2005, today WFN and WFN HD are available in more than 20 million households through North American cable, satellite and telecommunications distributors. For more information, visit www.WorldFishingNetwork.com.
Posted Unknown 1 comments
Tags: Bill Boyce, Bite Me, fiji Islands, IGFA, IGFA Saltwater Adventures, Matava, TV Show, WFN
IGFA Saltwater Adventures at Matava Eco-Adventure Resort
Matava Eco-Adventure Resort staff and villagers from Kadavu Village put on a traditional Meke for the WFN Network "IGFA Saltwater Adventures show". Presenter Bill Boyce is given the low-down by Maggie - Matava's Guest Services Manager.
Meanwhile....Tim Simpson, Editor of Australia's prestigeous BlueWater Magazine gets stuck into some deepwater Opakapaka fishing....
Posted Unknown 0 comments
Tags: Bill Boyce, Bite Me, bluewater magazine, Fiji, IGFA Saltwater Adventures, Kadavu, Tim Simpson, TV Show
5 Mar 2011
IGFA Saltwater Adventures Filmed aboard Bite Me
Last week we were joined by the film crew filming the new WFN Network show 'IGFA Saltwater Adventures'. Presenter Bill Boyce was in fine Californian form with special guest angler Tim Simpson, Editor of BlueWater Magazine fame providing useful insights to the show's viewers.
First good fish on camera was a nice Yellowfin Tuna around 100lbs. Bill was using some of the new 4 piece travel rods from Fox International. I was initially sceptical about a travel rod that fits into a pencil case but the quality of these rods is exceptional and quite remarkably they performed as good as any one piece gamefishing rod I have ever seen. In fact Bill told me they had recently fought a 700lb black marlin for over 4 hours on 50lb before eventually wearing through the leader boatside.
The IGFA Saltwater Adventure series of shows will begin broadcasting on the 1st July on the World Fishing Network (WFN)

Posted Unknown 0 comments
Tags: Bite Me, fiji Islands, Filming, fishing, gamefishing, IGFA, TV, WFN, yellowfin