For the waters around Kadavu Island- Fiji Islands
Charter Operator – Matava Resort Gamefishing
Boat Names – Bite Me (Offshore) and Offensive Tackle (Inshore)
Average Water Temp – 25.5
Average Sea State – Wind chop to 6ft, Occasional groundswell to 4ft
Average Winds – Breezy to 20kts mostly ESE
Water Clarity – Good inshore, good offshore
We are now well into the winter wahoo and Pacific sailfish run but this year continues to disappoint a little. The large packs of marauding wahoo that congregate along the barrier reef are fewer in number than normal. Though packs are being found in some of the usual places, some sites that normally hold wahoo packs are just not firing up yet. The average wahoo size is also lower than normal at about 20kg rather than 26kg though some big solitary fish have been seen. The sails have also been down in numbers though some very nice fish to 60kgs have been tagged & released. Normally the average sail pack consists of about 5 to 6 fish but this year, so far, sails have been raised as solo fish or in pairs. It may well be that the late fall in water temperature is leading to a late season here and September may be the peak month rather than the usual July / August.
The upside though is the blue marlin fishing. Normally fairly quiet at this time of year, there seems to be significant numbers of blues close in to the reefs ranging in size from 80kgs to 200kgs. During the recent Pacific Harbour Tournament, charter boat ‘Opulence’ hooked up a blue estimated at 600lbs on 15kg line class but the fish was lost. ‘Bite Me’ had a blue of about 150kgs free-jumping behind the spread but couldn’t get a shot. Another competitor on ‘Catalina’ was spooled on 24kg before the deck could be cleared. There are clearly some good sized blues out there in the mix.
The yellowfin are coming through in waves so one week they are everywhere and the next, hard to find anywhere other than the Kadavu seamount. This area always holds tuna.
Quite a few mahi mahi around with the average size around 10kg though some nice fish to 20kg were weighed during the recent tournament.
The GTs are still active in the surf zones with a lot of smaller fish to 15kg giving great sport on 15kg line class.
Water – Still slightly warmer than normal but continuing to fall slowly.
Weather – The usual winter trade winds often making it choppy
Blue Marlin – More around than usual and some big ones present
Sailfish – Ones and twos in all the usual place
Wahoo – Not a great year so far but still good wahoo fishing by anyone’s standard
Yellowfin - Here in good numbers but can be patchy as schools move throug
Mackerel – Plenty of small ones inshore, the bigger guys now hitting ballyhoo rig
Mahi Mahi – Yes, lots to 20lbs and some bigger fish showin
GTs – Excellent popper casting fishing at the moment but the weather sometimes interferes
Captain Adrian Watt
Director, Matava Resort Gamefishing,
Tel: + (679) 333 6222 or 333 6098
30 Aug 2007
Matava - Fishing Report – August 2007
Posted Unknown 0 comments
Tags: Bite Me, inshore, Matava, Offensive Tackle, offshore, report
IGFA Anglers Digest Film Crew Visit - The Flying Hoo of Kadavu
Every winter, large packs of big marauding wahoo and Pacific sailfish gather along the Great Astrolabe barrier reef and word of this phenomena reached the ears of presenter Bill Boyce and his IGFA Anglers Digest film crew.
Bill is a world renown biologist, underwater photographer and film maker, rod builder, angler of exceptional skill and down right nice guy. We were delighted to have him and his film crew, Richard Chudy and Dee Peralta visit us at Matava Resort and film some gamefishing shows aboard Bite Me in July this year.
We concentrated mainly on the wahoo and sailfish light tackle action with some enjoyable sidetracks such as filming fly fishing for wahoo with Cam Sigler Jr, going after the IGFA World Record wahoo on 4kg line class and even throwing some poppers at the reef for Giant Trevally.
We even found time to test out the new Pakula Wonderlure as well as try out a pet theory of Bills - circle hooks in skirted lures - but more on that later.
The wahoo put on quite a show for the cameras often leaping 20 feet into the air to pounce on the spread of lures.Needless to say, the fishing was excellent and the producers declared their biggest problem was squeezing all the action into just two shows !
Bill was fortunate enough to take the Fiji National Record wahoo on 4kg line class though he lost a probable world record fish when the hooks pulled on a monster hoo after a 20 minute fight. Even the cameramen were forced into action with so many wahoo pack mass attacks meaning that just clearing a rod was fraught with danger.
Catch all the leaping wahoo action on the Sportsman's Channel in the USA or Wild TV in Canada.
Coming up on both of these stations during the weeks of 27 August and 3 September 2007 (Two part episode)
Alternatively, the shows or action clips can be downloaded from the IGFA Anglers Digest website after the show has aired.
Posted Unknown 0 comments
Tags: Anglers, Cam Sigler Jr, Digest, IGFA, shows, TV, Wild TV
29 Aug 2007
Fiji forums: Window Shopping an Island Resort... - TripAdvisor
Fiji forums: Window Shopping an Island Resort... - TripAdvisor
"If you want the same kind of experience (rugged island, gorgeous scenery) on Kadavu, go to Matava.
It is exceptional. The owners are amazing, the staff is great, it's such a fun place and the food is awesome. It is a great experience and about the same price as Waisalima, but oh, so much better. Write to them at: and check their website at
You'll be writing to Jeannie, Richard or Adrian, and tell them that Fiji Suz recommended you.
They'll treat you right!"
Fiji forums: Window Shopping an Island Resort... - TripAdvisor
Posted FijiRich 0 comments
Tags: Kadavu, Matava, tripadvisor
27 Aug 2007
IGFA Anglers Digest Fishing Show, far off the beaten path
IGFA Anglers Digest Fishing Show
"WEEK OF 8/27 AND 9/1 (Two part episode)
We venture far off the beaten path to fish the Great Astrolabe Reef from Matava Resort on Kadavu Island, Fiji.
We set a new Fijian record for Wahoo plus Sailfish, Giant Trevally, and Barred Spanish Mackerel with IGFA Capt. Adrian Watts."
IGFA Anglers Digest Fishing Show
25 Aug 2007
Current Fiji National Records Held at Matava: 20
M-04kg Yellowfin Tuna
M-04kg Mahi Mahi (Dolphinfish)
M-04kg Narrowbarred Mackerel
M-04kg Barracuda
M-04kg Rainbow Runner
M-04kg Skipjack Tuna
M-04kg Wahoo
M-04kg Giant Trevally **
M-04kg Kawakawa
M-06kg Kawakawa
M-06kg Wahoo
M-08kg Pacific Sailfish
M-10kg Pacific Sailfish
M-15kg Rainbow Runner
W-06kg Yellowfin Tuna
W-06kg Narrow Barred (Spanish) Mackerel
W-08kg Yellowfin Tuna
W-10kg Yellowfin Tuna
W-10kg Bluefin Trevally
W-15kg Yellowfin Tuna
** Latest Record Taken – August 2007
Oh Nuts!..Yellowfin.....Run Away..Run Away...
I recently had the pleasure of that renown angler, author and editor of BlueWater magazine, Tim Simpson fishing aboard Bite Me. Its becoming an annual event when Tim and I get together every July, throw caution to the wind and fish 4kilo (8lb) line class in Kadavu island's tropical waters.
Most people think we are nuts to even contemplate fishing such light tackle in waters that are filled with marlin, big sailfish, wahoo, mackerel and dogtooth tuna but I have to say, as far as fishing goes, its the most fun you can have without a tub of Haagen Daz ice cream and a lady I know called Mandy.
The challenge is simple. You meticulously spool and prepare your gear, measure your doubles and leaders to comply with IGFA regulations, set your strike drags at 1.3kg (3lbs), troll a limited spread of small lures with specially selected hooks and wait to see what jumps on.
Then all hell breaks loose.
If its a wahoo or mackerel, the fight is relatively normal.
If its a sailfish, you clear the deck and then go charging backwards like a maniac to try to get to the fish whilst it still leaps around on the surface.
If it a yellowfin, the skipper puts the kettle on, makes you a cup of tea and hands it to you so you have something to cry into for the next 4 hours of the fight.
And the yellowfin were everywhere....
Its the only time of the year where I will actually drive AWAY from a baitball on the surface being smashed by diving birds and feeding tuna. Our target fish were wahoo and Pacific sailfish so spending hours on a stubborn yellowfin was not at the top of the agenda. Its a strange feeling, for as a charterboat captain, I spend half my life staring at the horizon hunting for birds and to have to steer a zig zag course to actually avoid baitballs....well, its just not right !
I was not entirely successful. The yellowfin were so prolific that we did end uphooking a number of fish and my respect for these beautiful speeding bullets just continues to grow. On 4 kilo line class they are probably one of the most difficult fish in the ocean to best. On strike, they immediately plummet down as far as they can go and once down there, extend their pectoral wings, nose into the current and sit there like an immovable truck. With only three pounds of strike drag and 400 yards of 8lb line out, a half decent sized yellowfin has a better chance of winning than you do.... But that's the whole point of sport fishing....
The Creed created by the Tuna Club of Avalon states "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for his life"
We ended up having an absolute ball with the small schooling yellowfin and Tim even took the M-04kg Fiji National Record with a fish weighing 14.6kg (32lbs). A most respectable weight for a yellowfin tuna on ultra light tackle. The fight time of 50 tense minutes reflects the strength of these fish and Tim's skills in working the drag beyond safe limits to win the fight.
I think I might be turning into a confirmed light tackle nut. Now, if I can just figure out how to deal with the 4 hours of heart stopping boat manoevering and tense stand-off waiting, watching line steadily peeling off the spool before the line goes 'ping' and the angler turns and says 'I've lost him"......
Its a roller coaster ride that makes grown men cry.
I'm hooked.
Posted Unknown 0 comments
Tags: 4kilo, bluewater, light tackle, magazine, sailfish, spanish mackerel, tuna, wahoo, yellowfin
23 Aug 2007
Deep V 400 Images
Picasa Web Albums - - Deep V 400
See more of the new Deep V 400 at Picassa.
Picasa Web Albums - - Deep V 400
Posted Unknown 0 comments
Deep V 400 Images
Deep Vee
Deep V 400 Images
Friday, August 10, 2007
New Images of the recently launched Deep V 400.
Deep V 400 Images Updated
Sunday, August 19, 2007
We have compiled an online album of the Deep V 400 taking shape. Now we have a few shots from her first photo shoot - and she does look very pretty indeed!
If you require further information on what is being described as a true bluewater performer, please contact us at Deep V.
The Deep V 400 images can be viewed here.
There are many to come.
Posted Unknown 0 comments
California Coastal Commission Considering Longline Permit
The California Coastal Commission (CCC) meets this week in San Francisco. It has just come to light that the CCC is considering the recently approved federal Exempted Fishing Permit (EFP), which authorizes one pelagic longline to fish off a portion of California's shores. The Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) approved the federal permit, which still requires the approval of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). The CCC has authority to make recommendations on federally approved actions that might impact species in state waters. TBF believes the CCC will oppose the federal action out of concern that species in state waters will be negatively impacted.
State officials realize the federal government is interested in increasing, on both coasts, the U.S. swordfish landings. The U.S. is currently importing more swordfish than is being caught by U.S. fleets. Thus the federal decision makers at all levels are expected to support the Council action authorizing the longline permit off the west coast. On the east coast the NMFS is working diligently to find ways to "reinvigorate" the commercial swordfish fishery.
The CCC is expected to take a vote on the position it will take on the federal action - to support or not support. The vote is scheduled for Friday, August 10th. The meeting is taking place at the Hyatt Regency Embarcadero at 5 Embarcadero Plaza between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. Anglers are urged to attend if at all possible. TBF has submitted comments consistent with our opposition expressed before the federal Council opposing the EFP in waters off California.
Posted stuartinfiji 0 comments
Tags: Billfish Foundation, longline, TBF
20 Aug 2007
Salt Water Fishing Tactics: Learn from the Experts at Salt Water Magazine
If you have been out on a charter fishing trip or just watched fisherman on the pier and have asked yourself, "What in the heck are they doing?" this book is for you. This book answers the most basic questions on saltwater fishing tactics.
After reading this book and understanding its content, you will cover about 80% of what you need to know. The other 20% is just plain experience. This is a GREAT book for your kids who just discovered that fishing bug. Not a bad Father's Day gift for the greenhorn either.
Posted stuartinfiji 0 comments
16 Aug 2007
International Game Fishing Club- Tournament
Well here we go. Today marks the start of THE INTERNATIONAL GAME FISHING INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT 2007.
International Game Fishing Club- Tournament
Adrian is on his way, so I'm posting this.
Wish the Bite me Team all the best
You are invited to register for THE INTERNATIONAL GAME FISHING INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT 2007 organized by the International Game fishing Club to be based at The Pearl Resort, Pacific Harbour , Fiji Islands
Posted stuartinfiji 0 comments
Tags: 2007, IGFA, IGFC, tournament
10 Aug 2007
Fiji forums: Romantic get away??? - TripAdvisor
Fiji forums: Romantic get away??? - TripAdvisor
"as always, matava on the island of kadavu....each to his own, but i still dream of sitting on our deck, looking out at the island across from us, watching the tides go in and out....walking to dinner , through the organic fruit trees, looking for the oil lights of the over the ocean dining deck, , and salavating over the most intiaviative menus...i wonder if it was really real....enjoy
oh, and the staff, we left everythng that we owned to them and their families...
as we landed at the small airport, a woman came up to us and said, 'we were just at matava, and you will have the best trip of your life'...i will never forget that. again, enjoy"
Fiji forums: Romantic get away??? - TripAdvisor
Posted FijiRich 0 comments
Tags: Fiji, Kadavu, tripadvisor
IGFA Anglers Digest Fishing Show, Tips, Articles, Photos, Videos, Lodges, Resorts, Charters, Captains, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Marlin, Sailfish, Snappe
IGFA Anglers Digest Fishing Show
IGFA Angler's Digest is prepping for a two week trip to amazing Kadavu, Fiji to fish with Capt. Adrian Watts out of Matava Resort and Cam Sigler Jr. out of Molaniki Resort.
These are pristine waters bordered by the Great Astrolabe reef and promise to give us the opportunity to showcase these unique resorts and the bountiful waters at their doorsteps!
We'll fish offshore with Capt. Adrian Watts and we'll fly fish the inshore areas with Cam Sigler Jr.
Look for hot fishing action from a little known island plus we'll also dive and explore the Astrolabe Reef."
IGFA Anglers Digest Fishing Show
Posted Unknown 0 comments
6 Aug 2007
Matava - IGFA Fishing Records
Matava - IGFA Fishing Records
"Fishing records
These records were compiled from records kept by FIGFA, Game Fish Club of Fiji, Royal Suva Yacht Club Game Fishing Association and Pacific Harbour Game Fishing Club to 1985 and from catch forms submitted for acceptance.
IGFA maintains and publishes world records for saltwater, freshwater, fly fishing catches, U.S. state freshwater records, and junior angler records, awarding certificates of recognition to each record holder. Recognized as the official keeper of world saltwater fishing records since 1939, IGFA entered the field of freshwater record keeping when Field & Stream transferred its 68 years of records to the association in 1978.
For a full version of the IGFA rules see here: IGFA rules."
Posted stuartinfiji 0 comments
2 Aug 2007
Traveler Reviews - friendly fiji - TripAdvisor
Kadavu Island: Matava - The Astrolabe Hideaway - Traveler Reviews - friendly fiji - TripAdvisor
"The resort was very clean, tropical and freindly. The diving was world class. The manta rays were graceful. the staff was one of the best i have ever encountered. the food was great. what else can i say it exceeded my expectations. i can't wait to go back."
Kadavu Island: Matava - The Astrolabe Hideaway - Traveler Reviews - friendly fiji - TripAdvisor
Posted FijiRich 0 comments
Tags: Kadavu, Matava, tripadvisor