7 Jul 2010

Bite Me gets a Facelift

Bite Me is a hard working gamefishing charterboat and with numerous tropical seas big toothy critters being hauled aboard, the cockpit combings take a beating. The slightest brush from the razor sharp teeth of a Wahoo, mackerel or great barracuda and pretty much anything gets sliced to ribbons...including fingers by the way....

Years of cushioning anglers thighs as they battle big fish on stand-up tackle take their toll

Time for a face-lift curtesy of Brendan and Kim Jackson of Beckhouse Upholstery, Coffs Harbour. New cockpit combings and engine hatch cushons...

Nice huh ?

Beckhouse Upholstery
6 June Street
Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450
+ (02) 66 521 553

Brendan was pretty handy with a rod as well. When he fished aboard Bite Me he took this 65kg Yellowfin tuna on 15kg line class....